Welcome to Corporate Onsite Therapies

Therapeutic services for the work environment located in London and the South-East, UK



Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy are useful for the following:

Work performance enhancement:
Non-work related issues
Special case of smoking cessation
Official Links

Official Links:

National  College of Hypnosis

and Psychotherapy
National Register of Hypnotherapists

and Psychotherapists
United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
British Accreditation Council for

Independent Further and Higher Education

Hypnotherapy / Psychotherapy

Work performance Enhancement:

Many people (in history and in the present) with a tremendous capacity for work and leadership, have personal qualities in common, such as:


- great self-confidence,
- high powers of concentration,
- retentive memories, and 
- the ability to influence others. 

These attributes can be enhanced by Hypnotherapy and/or Cognitive Techniques.

People can be taught to re-program their minds for greater performance, and also to help them handle failure and rejection.

It can also help in making effective decisions in every area of working life, from filing to prioritising one's workload. 
It can help in dealing with distractions, and in saying no to people who may monopolise one's time.
In addition it can help to meet deadlines, and when one feels that one'screativity has dried up.
 Further, if a problem has been identified which is impeding work performance ,such as lack of sleep, social or presentation anxiety, or lack of assertiveness, these techniques can assist in eradicating them,  

Non-work related issues:

They are very efficient at addressing the problems below mainly, and many other ones (for instance, read BBC article  about the man who self-hypnotised himself before surgery)

Exemples of conditions seen in practice:

Weight management 
Smoking cessation
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Post Traumatic Stress
Relationship/sexual issues
Test/examination nerves
Sports performance
Sleep disorders

For more info, look at ourpractitioner's website:


Special case of "Smoking cessation"

Since the respected publication 'New Scientist' (vol 136 issue 1845, see below) reported that statistically hypnosis was shown to be the most effective way to stop smoking, it is surprising that hypnotherapy is still often used as the last resort.
To find the most effective way to give up smoking, Frank Schmidt and research student Chockalingam Viswesvaran of the University of Iowa carried out a meta-analysis, statistically combining the results of more than 600 studies covering almost 72,000 people from North America, Scandinavia and elsewhere in Europe.
By combining the results from so many separate studies, the meta-analysis enables the real effectiveness of each technique to be picked out from the statistical ‘noise’ that often blights studies involving smaller numbers of subjects.
The published results, show that for most smokers the most effective technique was hypnosis, which included 48 studies covering over 6000 smokers:

New Scientist Vol 136 issue 18456- 31 Oct 1992 Page 6




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