Welcome to Corporate Onsite Therapies

Therapeutic services for the work environment located in London and the South-East, UK



What is Personal training?:
Is it safe?:
First session:
Typical session:
The advantages of using a Personal Trainer:
Time Frame for results :


Personal Training


What is Personal Traning?:

Personal trainers help clients to achieve specific fitness goals, such as weight loss, strength gain and flexibility, cardiovascular health, muscle build-up or a combination of all of these.

They discuss what you want to achieve through your workouts and take into account your current fitness level. While you may have some idea of the goals you want to set.

A professional is able to help you break them down into smaller goals that are specific and realistic.

The personal trainer also helps assess your progress toward those goals.

Is it safe?

Before embarking on a course of Personal Training sessions, it is always better, especially for people over 40 years old to seek their doctor’s permission to practise such activity.


As with any physical activity, Personal Training may lead to an injury if not done properly.


Therefore, in certain cases, based on the appraisal of your fitness level, your personal trainer might prefer to wait for your GP to give the go-ahead, before proceeding further..

First session

After having noted your goals and expectations, your Personal Trainer will assess your current level of fitness, taking into account any current medical conditions or constraints.


For this purpose, you will have to:


  • 1)- answer first a health screening questionnaire
  • 2)- and undergo a blood pressure test.
  • 3) Often, your Personal Trainer will also measure your body composition and check your weight.
  • 4) You will then be asked to perform a few strength and endurance tests, in order to asses your stamina.


Based on all this information and based on your expectactions, your Personal Trainer will then set short-term and long-term goals.


While short-term goals are measurable factors within a matter of weeks, long-term goals are set in a year or more and to be maintained for a lifetime:

  • – achieving marked weight loss,
  • – flexibility or strength,
  • – cardiac health and stamina,
  • – and improving your overall health.


In order to reach your goals, the Personal Trainer will create a specific personalized workout plan just for you. This personalized plan typically gives you better results than a general workout plan.


Because he/she knows your physical condition and medical background, he/she is also able to make accommodations to the program to fit your needs. In addition, he/she may suggest particular foods or supplements specific for gaining mass and strength.


Be sure to see your doctor if any exercises cause headaches, muscle cramps, dizziness, or severe pain in your back, legs, or joints.


Typical session


A professional Personal Trainer teaches you the proper way to perform each exercise movement in your routine.

He/she often demonstrates the movement and watches you perform it so he/she can correct any issues with your posture or technique.
Learning how to perform exercises properly reduces your risk of injury.
You also will be able to do the exercises on your own at home or at the gym after getting professional fitness instruction.

The advantages of using a Personal Trainer


Motivation is easier to maintain when you exercise with a Personal Trainer than on your own.
Even if you don’t have regular sessions with a Personal Trainer, knowing that you’ll show him/her the improvement you’ve made, will be a source of satisfaction and will motivate you during workouts.
Also, he/she will hold you accountable for your progress, so you will not have the opportunity to fall off the wagon but to stick to your program.


Experienced Personal Trainers teach you a variety of exercise methods, which can keep you from getting bored.
Thanks to their expertise, they also help you to make adjustments as your fitness level improves to ensure continued progress.


When you have a limited amount of time to exercise, your Personal Trainer can take you through a routine that burns the same number of calories and provides the same physical benefits in a short time.
Also, if a specific exercise does not work for you, the Personal Trainer can change it to one that suits you better and provides the same physical benefits.

Time Frame for results

A Personal Trainer will make it possible for you to reach your fitness goals, but not by waving a magic wand.
You will still have to dedicate time and effort to reach these goals.
The results you’ll see with a Personal Trainer will depend on the time invested per week and the nature of the goals themselves:

  • • For a Training for Strength and Mass, expect to start seeing results after 30 days.
  • • For a Training For Fat Loss, expect seeing results in three to six weeks.





Corporate on-site Therapies

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